Luckily, although a green thumb I have not, I am not as bad at gardening as I am at blogging. In the past 6 weeks I've:
- harvested my first planter of mesclun mix (Arrgh! I forgot to take a picture first!),
- started several more planters of micro-greens,
- grown 8 tomato plants way too early for the season, that are now enormous and desperately need to be transplanted,
- purchased some Red Wigglers and successfully started an indoor worm composting bin,
- set up 5 Lee Valley cloches in my back-yard garden and started a few early crops,
- figured out how to make self-watering containers from 4 gallon food-safe buckets (see my brother's post for details on the final design and also our earlier prototype).
Way to go! I hadn't seen this post when you mentioned it yesterday; sorry! You definitely qualify for BBGG status, while I openly admit to being a GBBG ... luckily we're both TM's!