Monday, March 30, 2009


I planted my first micro-greens back in early February and harvested them (without taking a picture first) in early March when my cousin visited with her family. I served roast beef and used the greens as a garnish on each plate -- they were delicious!

I was really happy with how my home-made self-watering containers worked so I made a ton more out of 2L pop bottles and apple juice bottles and planted mesclun mix, mustard greens, lettuce, etc.:

Here's my Reine de Glace lettuce head:

Here's a mustard green mix:

Here' a mesclun mix:

Bad Blogger, Good Gardener?

OK, so I'm definitely not a good blogger. It's been a month and a half since I posted my last blog, and a reader (luckily I don't have any) could be forgiven for thinking that I had chucked this whole gardening project!

Luckily, although a green thumb I have not, I am not as bad at gardening as I am at blogging. In the past 6 weeks I've:
  • harvested my first planter of mesclun mix (Arrgh! I forgot to take a picture first!),
  • started several more planters of micro-greens,
  • grown 8 tomato plants way too early for the season, that are now enormous and desperately need to be transplanted,
  • purchased some Red Wigglers and successfully started an indoor worm composting bin,
  • set up 5 Lee Valley cloches in my back-yard garden and started a few early crops,
  • figured out how to make self-watering containers from 4 gallon food-safe buckets (see my brother's post for details on the final design and also our earlier prototype).
I'm going to try to post catch-up entries on some of these achievements and then do a better job from now on!