It only takes a few minutes and a few supplies. I used a CLEAN empty apple juice bottle, some masking tape and scissors.
Step 1:Cut the bottle in half. The top half of the bottle will hold the soil and your plant. The bottom half of the bottle will be the water reservoir. Take your scissors and gradually trim both halves until the top half of the bottle fits snugly upside down into the water reservoir. The neck of the bottle needs to firmly touch the bottom of the water reservoir.
Step 2:Cut a "U" shaped hole in the top of one side of the water reservoir for watering.
Step 3:
Place the planter inside the reservoir. Hold it down firmly so that the neck of the planter is touching the bottom of the reservoir and tape them together with masking tape leaving the "U" shaped hole unobstructed.
Step 4:Fill the neck of the planter with your potting soil and tamp it down firmly. Make sure the potting soil is slightly damp to start with. This seems to help with it's ability to wick up more water from the reservoir.
Step 5:Fill the rest of the planter with slightly damp potting soil.

Step 6:Fill the reservoir with water. A small amount of soil will probably work it's way into the reservoir but nothing problematic.
Step 7:Plant normally and make sure that the reservoir is never empty!