Saturday, May 16, 2009

Self-Seeded Cilantro and Lettuce

I LOVE cilantro, and I've got dozens of baby cilantro plants growing in my raised bed from the plant that went to seed last year. Here's a picture of a just a few of them (in amongst the weeds):

Cilantro plants are even growing between my patio stones and between the bricks that make up the wall for the raised bed.

I had to get rid of some of these to make way for other plantings, but there are tons that I'll leave to harvest when they're bigger. I use these to make Thai spring rolls (in rice paper wrappers) and for tons of other recipes. It's one of my favourite herbs.

Last year I must have let a Red Butterworth lettuce go to seed because I also have TONS of red lettuces growing. (Yes, I know I need to weed ...)

1 comment:

  1. Just noticed this older post: isn't that the cilantro I gave you? Or maybe not. Anyway, it used to come up like weeds here, but I haven't seen any this year! Guess I gave away too much and didn't let it re-seed. :-(
    I don't love eating it, though, so it's okay for now...
