Back in February I got really excited about gardening and started a bunch of seeds WAY too early. Most of the seedlings had to go, but I kept 8 heirloom tomato plants by transplanting them into my
home-made pop bottle planters. By the end of March they were enormous and I had to decide whether to give them up or transplant them into the containers that I'll eventually put out into the garden.
Here are two of the plants before the Rescue. They're each about 16" tall.

When I transplanted these into their final self-watering containers, I used a tip that I learned at a container gardening seminar and I soaked the root ball in water before replanting it.
On a friend's expert advice, I also took off the leaves from the bottom half of the main stalk so that I could transplant the plants deeper in their new pots then they were in their old pots.
Apparently, the part of the main stalk that is buried will grow roots and these plants will be really well established by the time I'm ready to start the dreaded "hardening-off" process.
Here's what the plants look like after the Rescue:

I'll keep posting about how well these do.